Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorite books and I’ve learned many life lessons from reading Anne of Green Gables. L. M. Montgomery published Anne of Green Gables in 1908, and she’s been teaching life lessons and entertaining us ever since.

I read the entire series when I was a teenager and a couple of years ago, I started at the beginning to read them again for the first time since I was a kid. I chuckled as I read, wiped away a tear or two, and sighed at the appropriate places.

  1. Enjoy beautiful words-L. M. Montgomery wrote splendid sentences and created beautiful stories.
  2. Treasure your kindred spirits–Everyone needs a Diana Barry, right?
  3. Take chances–Walk on ridgepoles, nearly drown while quoting poetry, buy hair dye from peddlers–ok, maybe not hair dye from peddlers.
  4. Enjoy nature–I’d love to walk down The White Way of Delight, wouldn’t you?
  5. Enjoy getting published–Even if it’s a baking powder story you didn’t send in. I’m trusting no one will submit my work without my knowledge though. Yikes, poor Anne.
  6. Look on the bright side–Falling into a creamy plum sauce truly is a beautiful way for a mouse to die.
  7. Enjoy trendy things if it makes you happy–puffed sleeves anyone?
  8. Make sure everyone knows how to spell your name–I understand Anne on this one. I should start introducing myself as “Malissa with an A.”

What life lessons have you learned from reading the Anne of Green Gables series? Do you have a favorite scene or character? Enjoy reading about L. M. Montgomery’s life, she was a fascinating author.

Here are some fun Anne of Green Gables tees to check out. (Affiliate link)

This is part one in a series of lessons I learned from my favorite childhood books.

Part one8 Life Lessons I Learned From Reading Anne Of Green Gables

Part two5 Life Lessons I Learned From Reading Cherry Ames & Sue Barton Books

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