One of the fun things we enjoy in our homeschool is afternoon tea and composer time. We do this once a week or so, and it’s a fun time but not hard to pull together.

We pull out fancy teacups and turn the kettle on for tea. While we wait for the whistle, we pick a game. My son chose Blokus this time.

We turn on our composer for the term and listen. I’ll admit we don’t go overboard in learning about the composer–no worksheets, no biographies, no reports. We listen and enjoy.

We choose our tea bag and pull out the cookies. We like Ana’s Swedish ginger thins but we’re only allowed to eat them during tea time!

Tea & Composer Time

Our composer this term is Camille Saint-Saen and we particularly enjoy Carnival of the Animals. One of the pieces sounds suspiciously like something you may hear in Beauty and the Beast.

The most important reason I take time for tea and composer and games isn’t for the educational aspect, although that’s important. It’s for creating special memories with my son and enjoying time together.
