Meet Piper Hadyn Interview by Malissa Chapin ~A New Cozy Mystery Series

When I was trying to get to know Piper, I took her out for coffee and interviewed her. (wink) Perhaps you’d like to get know Piper a little better too!


(I’m in bold and Piper is the opposite.)

Piper! So nice to meet you. How are you today?

So busy!

How’s the academy?

Great—full load today. I have classes from 9-8.

Wow, what classes?

The Haydn Music Academy offers piano, guitar, flute, violin, cello, voice, choir, and dance, along with music and movement for little ones.

Oh, my. I had no idea.  How old is your academy?

Two years. I taught piano before that for seven years out of my home studio before I opened the academy.

Where did you train to be a piano teacher?


I’ve never met anyone who trained there. How interesting. How long have you played the piano?

Since I was little. Four or five? I’ve always loved music.

Your friend Rosie told me you hate her country music habit.

Oh, my. I love that girl but her taste in music isn’t shall we say, refined. I put up with it as long as it’s not in my academy or my car—or my house.

Do you have a boyfriend?

No. Rosie’s always trying to set me up with someone. But no one special right now.

What are you good at?

Oh, I hate this question. I’m good at the piano, organizing, caring for my friends, loving my nephews, eating chocolate. Ha!

What are you bad at?

I worry too much. I get angry at injustice but not normal anger. It absorbs me. I am bad at avoiding chocolate and coffee. Seriously. I’m so bad.

What are you afraid of?

Oh, man. Too much. Reptiles, running out of books, chocolate, coffee. That I’m not good enough. That I let my dad down by not joining the orchard business.

How long has your family owned the orchard?

My grandfather planted an apple orchard in Cranberry Harbor, Wisconsin before my dad was born. So more than 50 years.

What do you grow?

The orchard itself grows apples and cherries but we also grow pumpkins and vegetables for the produce stand.

What’s it like living here?

Oh, I love this town. Cranberry Harbor is a tourist destination so all the shops are cute. We try to have some things for people to do when they visit. The parks are nice and the beach is clean with a great swimming area for families. Cranberry Fest in the fall is the highlight of the year. It’s a small town with charm but it’s more than a tourist destination. We care for one another here. Look out for each other. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.

I have to run though, my classes start in a few minutes. Teachers can’t be late. Thank you, Piper. Hope to see you around town.