Computer screen, notebook, and coffee--ready for virtual conference session.

I’ve spent the last week soaking in information from the Blue Ridge Mountains Writers Conference. Wow!

I’ve learned so much. The sessions were encouraging, motivating, and challenging. I’ve never attended a writers conference before and didn’t know what to expect but I’m so thankful I took the leap and signed up.

Since I was attending virtually, I didn’t expect to meet other attendees but they set us up in a group so we could meet others. I enjoyed my participation as a “zoomie” even though I’m not very good at Zoom. It was so fun to meet new people and connect with others.

I’ve written for a long time but haven’t felt comfortable calling myself a writer. But I am a writer and I’m working on several projects that I hope to share with you soon.

If you’re a writer feeling uncomfortable about calling yourself a writer, jump in with me, and let’s share the message God has given to us. We can do it together.
