The Road Home Audiobook is Available

I’m so excited to share that my first audiobook is available! It’s available on my site–you can hear a sample here.  It’s also available most place audiobooks are sold. If you listen to the sample, please let me know what you think. Working with a narrator for my audiobook was a great learning experience. Thank …

Stories From Writing The Road Home Novel

Like my main character Cadence, I have a love for thrift stores and antique stores. I enjoy the hunt and find many sweet treasures for my vintage decor. For some reason, beautiful flatware always grabs my attention. I sell some of the treasures I find and keep others. I loved this fancy spoon the minute …

Stories from Writing The Road Home Novel~Returning Thrift Store Treasures

In The Road Home, Cadence finds a vintage recipe box at the antique store. A name is written on all the cards and she wonders about the person and why they abandoned their recipe box With the help of her boss’s daughter, they find a relative of the woman and Cadence attempts to return the …

Stories from Writing The Road Home Novel

I shared a little in my last post about the women in the pink Cadillac and the road trip idea. I also shared that I based The Road Home on the area where my Grandmother grew up but fictionalized the town. I included a funny business combo called Tansy’s Donuts & Laundry. One of the …