We were busy last week enjoying a family staycation–fun together time, and I neglected to pre-write something for my blog.

EEK!!! I broke the “good blogger” rule for sure, and I do apologize, but we had so much fun.

My dad lives in Florida, my sister lives in California, and we (and two of my siblings) live in Wisconsin–as mentioned on my home page. Our extended family doesn’t get to see each other as much as we’d like, so I made sure to prioritize this family-together time.

We had dinners together, both homemade and at restaurants, and celebrated birthdays.

Everyone went to a local family-friendly amusement park on Monday and played mini-golf together on Wednesday.

The cousins played and laughed and came up with creative decorations for the driveway.

Family stories filled every moment, and one night, we laughed ’til our sides hurt–literally.

My home looks like a tornado blew through it, and I have lots of clutter and clean-up to do. It looks like mom was partying rather than cleaning–ha!

I also didn’t get many words written for my works in progress, but I did listen to some audio sessions from the writers conference I attended earlier this spring. I also worked through some ideas for my first work in progress that’s about to head into rewrite number two after lots of input from my alpha-readers. **Alpha-readers read knowing my writing isn’t ready to go to press. I will look for beta readers later in the process–let me know if you’d like to participate.

Lack of progress in my word count doesn’t worry me. When I take a little bit of a break and think about my works in progress, I get good ideas for moving forward. The trick is to make sure it’s a little break–not a six-month-long break.

Today, I’m recuperating and recovering and working on some miscellaneous things and considering doing some of that housework–or maybe I”ll grab a good book and think about housework a little longer.

Have you ever enjoyed a family staycation and fun together time? What did you do? What are your best family staycation ideas?

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Happy Friday!