October Book Suggestions—Fall Reads

I enjoy a good suspense book now and then. I have a friend who says I read creepy books…..well, kind of. But I don’t like evil thrillers just for the sake of being creepy.

Most of the creepy books I read are by Christian authors and have some sort of redeeming message.

If you’re looking for some interesting reads, here are a few I’d suggest.

Jamie Jo Wright is a new to me author. I’ve read a few of hers and enjoyed them.

My own mystery of course!
Any of Brandilyn Collins books are good, but this series was my first Christian suspense I read—definitely heart stopping.

These are the books I was reading when my friend discovered I like some suspense/thrillers. I will caution you that the prologue in this book is very creepy. I almost didn’t read the series because of it. But I finally did and realized the prologue is giving clues about the criminal. The book itself is about the FBI agents chasing this criminal. I enjoyed the series by Steven James.

Adam Blumer is another author I enjoy reading. He has a couple series. I made the mistake of reading one of his while we were tent camping. Don’t do that!

The Boo series by Rene Gutteridge is just plain fun—not really creepy.

You can also check out Terri Blackstock, Irene Hannon, Carrie Stuart Parks, and Ted Dekker for mystery/suspense/thrillers.

Do you have a favorite author in this genre?