Stories From Writing The Road Home Novel

Like my main character Cadence, I have a love for thrift stores and antique stores. I enjoy the hunt and find many sweet treasures for my vintage decor.

For some reason, beautiful flatware always grabs my attention. I sell some of the treasures I find and keep others.

I loved this fancy spoon the minute I saw it and I couldn’t leave it behind.

I loved the etched spoon and the pretty handle and didn’t notice the name engraved on the handle.

Even though my character is named Ida Bealle—not just Ida—I kept this pretty spoon near my computer while I wrote The Road Home.

If you have read the book, you may have noticed the chapter headers. One is this recipe box that I found on one of my hunts. I love it, and when I needed an old treasure for Cadence to find, I knew it had to be my vintage recipe box

This one didnt come with distasteful recipes, but I’ve definitely discovered some of those on my treasure hunts.

Have you ever found a cool treasure?

Look for The Road Home here.