Writing Wednesday

On the last Writing Wednesday, I shared a little bit of my “why I write” story. Today, I’m sharing a bit of my progress.

I finished the second re-write of my first novel last weekend. I have a group of Alpha-readers (reading for me long before it’s ready to publish), and several of them asked to read the re-write.

This week, they’re reading it and letting me know if my changes work. They’ll also point out mistakes, and there are plenty–even on the second time through.

I am reading a couple of books on the craft of writing to make sure I continue to improve.

I’m researching to decide if I should self-publish my first novel or submit it for traditional publishing. There are pros and cons to each. Feel free to pray for me if you think of me that I’d make a wise choice.

I spilled on my computer keyboard and wasn’t able to write for a couple of days. Hazard of trying to stay hydrated, I guess!

In a few minutes, I’m joining a webinar with Jerry Jenkins Writers Guild on the topic of “How To Write A Killer Opening.”

I have another project in the works, but I’ve only shared that information with my newsletter subscribers. Did you sign up yet? It’s quick and easy, and I have a gift for you!

As always, I have several projects on the back burner. Hopefully, I’ll be able to share them soon. Thank you for stopping by and catching up on my progress.