Welcome to Writing Wednesday; I’m glad you’re here. I hope to share my writing, works in progress, and other writers’ stories in this feature.

I have always meant to write a book and thought about it repeatedly for most of my life. When I was 10 or 11, I told my mom I would publish my first book by 12. She’d read my stories–tragic tales of triplets all dying on the same day and other woefully horrible stories. She’d smile and tell me she knew I could do it.

I entered a story in a contest for a Christian teen magazine and won an honorable mention. It too was full of tragedies and woeful tales–but I won $10.

I blogged on now-defunct blogs and thought about what I’d write, but life got in the way–as it does for many of us.

In 2020, my best cheerleader–my mom–died. I realized that if I didn’t go for my dreams of writing, it would never happen. I kicked myself for waiting until my cheerleader couldn’t cheer for me this side of heaven. And then, I dusted myself off and joined Jerry Jenkins Your Novel Blueprint course at the end of July 2020.

So much work! Phew…but I didn’t quit. I had invested my spare change from selling on eBay into the course, and I learned a lot. I plodded along, working on the lessons and trying to learn all I could about the craft of writing.

At the end of May, I attended the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference as an online attendee. My biggest takeaway from the conference was realizing that I obey God by sharing the unique message He’s given me.

I struggled because I thought that I “should” be writing devotionals and non-fiction. After all, it’s more important. I’m not saying that I won’t write those books, and a few are buzzing around in the back of my mind. But God has given me a desire to write Christian fiction and using that gift to share His message isn’t less important.

I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn, but I’m enjoying the process, so I keep working. No triplets are dying on the same day this time, though. Sorry.

One day soon, I’ll share some of my works in progress. What stories are you writing this Wednesday?